Understanding Negative Account Balances

1 min. readlast update: 10.29.2024

Can My Account Balance Go Negative?

Yes, it is possible for your account balance to go into a negative state under certain circumstances.


Scenarios Leading to a Negative Balance:

  1. Insufficient Funds for Invoices: If you don't have enough credit in your account when your next invoice for Direct Inward Dialing (DID) services is due, your balance will become negative. To avoid termination, please recharge your account within 14 days of this occurrence.
  2. Real-Time Billing During Ongoing Calls: Since Crazytel processes transactions in real-time, if you exhaust your account balance while on a call, your account may briefly enter a negative state by a small amount (typically just a few cents). In such cases, the ongoing call will be terminated due to insufficient funds.


Key Implications of a Negative Account Balance:

  • Calling Capabilities Suspended: While your account is in a negative state, you won't be able to make or receive calls until the balance is replenished.


Best Practice: To avoid disruptions to your service, regularly check your account balance and recharge promptly when necessary, especially around invoice due dates. If you have questions about managing your account balance, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

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