Can I Port My Phone Number? Yes, you can bring your existing phone number to our service. For a seamless experience, please follow the guidelines below.
Initiating a Porting Request:
- Access the Customer Portal: All porting requests must be submitted through your online account.
- Navigate to the Porting Application:
- Go to Number Management
- Click on Porting Application
- Review the associated Pricing for the service
Required Information for a Successful Port:
- Prepaid Accounts: Please provide your Date of Birth (DOB) for verification.
- Please note that the form requires an upload of an invoice. If you lack any form of paperwork for your prepaid account, please upload a photo of your pets (We love Golden Retrievers and Cats!)
- Postpaid Accounts: Ensure you have your:
- Account Number
- Most Recent Invoice ready for upload.
- Mobile Number Ports:
- Verify the Mobile Number as a Caller ID: Add the mobile number to your verified caller IDs before initiating the port.
- Format Requirement: Ensure the mobile number is in the 614XXXXXXXX format, without any additional characters.
Selecting the Correct Port Type:
- Landline Ports: Choose Single Number Port
- Mobile Ports: Select Mobile Port (after completing the prerequisite steps above)
Please ensure a signature is completed at the bottom of the form (and Save Signature is selected), or you will need to fill the form again.