Voice to Email Setup Guide: Forward Voicemails to Your Inbox

3 min. readlast update: 02.19.2025
Table of Contents
1. Accessing the Portal
2. Creating a Voicemail Account
3. Assigning Voicemail to Your DID (Phone Number)
4. Configuring Forwarding Settings
5. Completion and Expected Outcome
Step-by-Step Instructions
  1. Accessing the Portal
    - Login: Navigate to portal.crazytel.com.au and enter your credentials to access your account.
    New to CrazyTel? If you haven't registered yet, you can sign up directly from the portal login page.

  2. Creating a Voicemail Account
    - Navigate to Voicemail Setup:
       + Click on Number Management.
       + Select Voicemail from the submenu.

    - Initialize Voicemail:
       + Click the **Create Voicemail** button in the top right corner of the screen.

    - Configure Your Voicemail:
       + Email Address: Enter the email address where you want to receive voicemail messages.
       + Nickname (Optional): Add a nickname for easy identification.
       + Custom Greeting (Optional): Upload your custom greeting. If not uploaded, a default recording will be used.

  3. Assigning Voicemail to Your DID (Phone Number)
    - Select Your Number:
       + Go back to Number Management.
       + Click on My Numbers.
    - Choose the Desired DID:
       + Select the phone number (DID) you want to associate with the newly created voicemail.

  4. Configuring Forwarding Settings
    - Set Up First Destination (Ringing Time):
       + Scroll down to the First Destination section.
       + Specify the time (in seconds) you want your phone to ring before forwarding to voicemail.

    - Configure Second/Backup Destination (Voicemail Forwarding):
       + Scroll down to the Second/Backup Destination section.
       + Type of Forwarding: Select Voicemail from the dropdown menu.
       + Forwarding Destination: Choose the Voicemail Trunk you created earlier. (Or select the nickname you set!)

    - Save Your Changes:
       + Click Submit to apply the new settings.

  5. Completion and Expected Outcome
    - Verification: Once you've completed these steps, your Voice to Email setup is active.
    - Expected Outcome: After someone leaves a voicemail on your configured DID, you will receive an email with the voicemail message at the email address specified in your voicemail settings.

Troubleshooting Tips:

- Ensure you've correctly entered the email address to avoid misdelivery of voicemail notifications.
- If you don't receive the expected emails, review your spam filters and voicemail settings for accuracy.
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