SMS Costs

1 min. readlast update: 02.26.2025
CrazyTel offers competitive SMS messaging services for business and residential customers. This article outlines our SMS pricing structure and character limitations to help you better understand our SMS service offerings.

SMS Pricing Structure

Standard SMS Rate

  • Cost per SMS: 5 cents (AUD) per SMS message
  • Consistent Pricing: This flat rate applies regardless of which VoIP or SIP Trunk plan you are subscribed to
  • Billing: SMS charges appear as separate line items on your monthly invoice or are deducted from your prepaid balance

Important Note for Mobile Plan Customers

The 5 cent SMS rate does NOT apply to CrazyTel SIM Card Mobile plans. Mobile plan customers should refer to their specific mobile plan documentation for applicable SMS rates and inclusions.

SMS Character Limits

Standard SMS Character Allocation

  • Standard GSM Alphabet: 160 characters per SMS
  • Unicode/Special Characters: 70 characters per SMS (includes emojis, non-English characters, and special symbols)

Multi-part SMS Messages

If your message exceeds the character limit, it will be automatically split into multiple SMS messages:
  • Messages using standard GSM alphabet will be split at 153 characters per segment
  • Messages using Unicode will be split at 67 characters per segment
This reduction in characters per segment allows for technical information needed to reassemble the message on the recipient's device.
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