Finding the QR Code

2 min. readlast update: 02.19.2025

Where's the QR Code for my Crazytel app?

QR codes are shown once per SIP Trunk password regeneration - to show another one, you'll need to reset the SIP Trunk password.


How do I reset the SIP Trunk password?

  1. Sign in to the customer portal on a PC/Laptop/device other than the mobile you're using the Crazyphone app with
  2. Navigate to SIP Trunks on the left hand navigation panel
  3. Check for any unregistered SIP Trunks
    If you have none (or no SIP Trunks at all!) click Add SIP Trunk on the top right
     - Set the SIP Trunk type to Register based
     - Set the Caller ID to your preferred caller ID
     - (If you're using SMS with this SIP Trunk) Set your preferred Mobile Number for SMS Caller ID
     - Set a Nickname for the SIP Trunk so you can tell them apart at a glance
     - Click Submit
     - Click NEXT to accept the confirmation call
     - Scan the QR code with the mobile application when you've entered the confirmation code
  4. Click EDIT under the unregistered SIP Trunk, then Reset Password.
    A confirmation call will come through - enter the confirmation code on the website
  5. Scan the QR code with the Crazyphone application when it shows
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