Where's the QR Code for my Crazytel app?
QR codes are shown once per SIP Trunk password regeneration - to show another one, you'll need to reset the SIP Trunk password.
How do I reset the SIP Trunk password?
- Sign in to the customer portal on a PC/Laptop/device other than the mobile you're using the Crazyphone app with
- Navigate to SIP Trunks on the left hand navigation panel
- Check for any unregistered SIP Trunks
If you have none (or no SIP Trunks at all!) click Add SIP Trunk on the top right
- Set the SIP Trunk type to Register based
- Set the Caller ID to your preferred caller ID
- (If you're using SMS with this SIP Trunk) Set your preferred Mobile Number for SMS Caller ID
- Set a Nickname for the SIP Trunk so you can tell them apart at a glance
- Click Submit
- Click NEXT to accept the confirmation call
- Scan the QR code with the mobile application when you've entered the confirmation code - Click EDIT under the unregistered SIP Trunk, then Reset Password.
A confirmation call will come through - enter the confirmation code on the website - Scan the QR code with the Crazyphone application when it shows